About the Golf Tournament – June 18, 2024

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Here’s the details for this years golf tournament (2024):

Hello Golfers:  It is always a great day to talk golf when the last of the snow is melting and golf courses are preparing to open. We are pleased to announce that the 21st annual Crescent Heights Alumni Golf Tournament will be held at The Canal at Delacour Golf Club on Tuesday, June 18Entry fee is $175.00 all in (a $50.00 charitable tax receipt will be issued to each golfer). Lunch, (a burger, fries and a beverage) and a trophy presentation will follow the golf round.

Registration:  Register online here and follow the easy to use entry form.  Payment Options:  There are three payment options available, listed in order of preference please:

1..  Pay using an e-transfer (no code or password is required) to crescentheightsalumni@gmail.com

2.. Pay online using PayPal or a credit card

3..  Pay by cheque to:  Stu Hambly, 1410 4 A Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2M 3A9

If you are registering for yourself and/or for others, please include each golfers name, mailing address, and email address so that we can send charitable tax receipts.

Prizes:  We are hoping to be able to provide prizes as they become available to us.   If you have a contact that would be willing to provide prizes for the tournament, please encourage them to do so.  Any and all support we receive will  be appreciated.  There will be wine draws and also some surprise draws.

Please feel free to circulate this invitation to all of your golfing friends; all are welcome at this fun event.  If you are active on social media you can use the invite to advertise the event. 

Please direct any questions or comments to Stu, Brian, or Dave at crescentheightsalumni@gmail.com.vai